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pH Blogs

Monday, July 19, 2004

I had a very unfocused day today. I have a serious case of summer fever and really don't want to go to work these days, not that the weather has been all that summer-like.  I arrive at work and say to myself "time to make the donughts'' and prepare myself to face the 3 3/4 wall of my cubicle.  Human beings were not meant to spend their days in cubicles!  It's a good thing I like my work.
     So I don't believe anyone will ever actually read these postings so I'm feeling quite free to write whatever I want. I'm hoping that within a year I'll have submitted my own short story for publishing so forgive me if I practice witicisms here.
     I'm reading an excellent collection of short stories right now called SWINK magazine. The premier issue came out in April and another will come out in Oct. or Nov.  I read these stories and wonder how these writers came up with these ideas.  There is such a diverse collection of stories here - definitely worth the $8 per issue.  I hope of the writing rubs off on me.


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