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pH Blogs

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Not enough money or time but so much to be thankful for!
I wish I had so much money I didn’t have to work! I really like what I do (Marketing) but there are so many other things I’d rather be doing right now.  As a mom of 2 young children “my own” day doesn’t really start until their precious heads hit their pillows, but at 8:45pm that doesn’t leave a lot of time for me to accomplish much.  I think the perfect solution is to somehow only work 4 days per week.  Hmmm I wonder if that would be possible.  I’d have to convince Martin and what about the lower salary.       Oh well, I’ll worry about it another day. I’ll stat delegating more at home and waking up earlier to see if it helps.      Have a great day!


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